Harold Matzner is one of the most influential figures in modern philanthropy. From his commitment to giving back to the community to his impactful work with numerous non-profit organizations, he has become a role model for many aspiring philanthropists around the world. While it can be immensely fulfilling to pursue a career in the field, several challenges and opportunities come with being a successful giver like Matzner. Read more about his inspiring journey and his tips for aspiring philanthropists in this article.

The benefits of being a philanthropist

One of the greatest benefits of being a philanthropist is the ability to make meaningful contributions to causes that are important to you. By donating your time and money, you can directly influence positive change in society or support organizations that are making progress on social justice issues. In addition, as a generous individual who participates in charitable activities, you will receive recognition from your peers and other members of your community for your efforts.

The importance of financial stability

For any philanthropic endeavor to be effective, financial stability must be maintained throughout. This means having sufficient funds available at all times so that they can be effectively allocated to specific projects or initiatives. For example, if you are planning to set up an organization dedicated to saving endangered species, having access to sufficient funds would help ensure that these animals have safe habitats and proper care in the future. Therefore, financial stability is essential when taking on such responsibilities as a philanthropist.

Time management is key

Time management skills are also very important when pursuing a career as a philanthropist, as there is often limited time available to manage various projects while still fulfilling personal commitments. It is therefore necessary for individuals who wish to be successful in this field to be able to set realistic goals and prioritize their tasks accordingly in order to make significant progress toward their desired outcomes without compromising their own well-being or relationships with others around them. This also requires careful planning up front, as well as regular evaluation along the way, so that all areas are considered before final decisions are made about how best to proceed with certain initiatives or donate funds without sacrificing anything else important.

Knowing when to say no

It’s also important for those seeking success in this field to know when enough is enough; knowing when too much has been asked or done can prevent burnout and lead to a more balanced life overall, which contributes even more positively to the greater good than working endlessly to exhaustion could ever hope to achieve on its own! This includes learning how much effort to put into certain projects without overdoing it (which can cause unnecessary stress). Furthermore, turning down requests from beneficiaries should not be viewed negatively, but rather as an opportunity for growth – both professionally and personally – as long as it is done within each individual’s desired work-life balance. So don’t forget what matters most – yourself!

Build relationships with other donors

Finally, building strong relationships with other donors can go a long way towards creating sustainable change through joint ventures and leveraging collective resources where possible! By working together, everyone involved can benefit from shared experience and knowledge, ultimately helping to move initiatives forward faster than any one organization could on its own – something Harold Matzner knows all about! Networking opportunities are everywhere, whether it’s attending events directly related to your chosen cause(s), or simply talking shop amongst industry peers at conferences, etc. All of these avenues offer potential partners either for short-term investments or further down-the-line collaborations, thereby allowing successful philanthropists access to the bigger picture as well!


Being a successful philanthropist isn’t easy, but those who choose this path tend to find personal satisfaction in helping others along life’s journey, while at the same time being admired by their peers for their altruistic nature in global communities alike. At its core, however – it requires dedication, commitment, perseverance, and hard-earned determination, coupled with daily experiences that are often stressful, yet filled with great hope and promise, namely: The things we encounter while helping those less fortunate than ourselves achieve a better life through our collective group efforts — something Harold Matzner stands above all of us because of his willingness to strive for greatness coupled with compassion, measurable results & rewards both tangible & intangible alike abound.